Thursday, May 28, 2009

SAPAC F-16 Reviews

Hello to all RC 'kaki' ( means=members ) and weekend is around the corner ya !! Flying the Sapac F-16 for 3 sessions ( 3 -Sundays ) already given me a good training on how to handle a high speeding RC model plane... This is not the ordinary RC jet that i have flown, unlike the previous Red arrow, typhoon or BD-5 jet.

First i would like to talk about the speed, the EDF 70 built in this model produce a great amount of thrust when we feed in 4-S. The take -off distance was about 40 feets,m which is about 3 seconds ,then screaming away from you. Estimated static thrust is about 700-900 gram, as measured on the digital scale.

Second was about the controls,this design only allow the tail wing to be mix (elevator and aileron ) and when travelling at high speed the Rolls was not in straight line, probably due to the missing of the front wing ailerons. I would like to add aileron to the main wing later. Talking about the elevator controls was perfect using the tail wings as i can easily push the jet up about 80-85 degrees vertical during high speed and pushing to the top about 200 feet and the start to stall. During this stage the plane was not that hard to control, with a little down elevator mix some aileron will make the jet flying horizontal again.

Lastly i would like to give thumbs-up for the good design from SAPAC that given me the satisfaction of flying the F-16 jets. Any RC members interested can get it from

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